blue triangles

The north wall of the Angel City Brewery has a few large blue triangles painted on it.  Those triangles have become the background for a large number of paste-ups and stencils.


below: A young boy with an oxygen mask uses the stump of a very old tree that has been cut down as a table.

paste up graffiti on the wall of the Angel City Brewery


below: The statue of liberty holds up a large blue LA glove, by sellout.  A black stencil “selfie this” gives the finger, by crisp.

paste up graffiti on the wall of the Angel City Brewery


below: Pheobe from New York sits quietly reading about the quiet life.

paste up graffiti on the wall of the Angel City Brewery - a seated phoebe from new york reading a book, she's wearing a large red hat


below: A wall of graffiti.

paste up graffiti on the wall of the Angel City Brewery

paste up graffiti on the wall of the Angel City Brewery

paste up graffiti on the wall of the Angel City Brewery

black stencil graffiti on the wall of the Angel City Brewery - one person is helping up a person who is on the ground

LA women, street art style

A few more photos of street art in Los Angeles.  Photos taken February 2017.


On the SB Tower, corner of 6th Street and Spring Street in downtown Los Angeles, there is this large mural by Robert Vargas.

by Robert Vargas, large mural of a woman's head in monochrome grey, almost three storeys tall, surrounded by yellow, with a large hand wrapped around the corner of the building, photo taken from diagonally across the intersection. A man in yellow jacket is pushing a cart, a street cleaner, as he starts across the intersection. Other people are waiting for their green light.

below: Not just three women but also a white dove, a red rose, snakes, a soldier in black, a revolver, a pistol, rocks, leaves, and a multitude of colours, shapes and patterns.

part of a larger mural, two women's faces with a man in a black and blue outit between thwm, a white dove is strating to take flight between their foreheads, a pistol is aimed at the dove,

below: Staring from behind the wire.

realistic mural of a woman with short blond face and blue eyes, staring straight ahead, head and neck only, on a black wall, seen from the other side of a wire fence with looped barbed wire across the top.

below: Two women.  A small woman with angel wings and a larger woman in a blue hood who seems to be playing with the car.   When cars park in front of street art and you want to take a picture – well, you’ve got to find a way to make it work, especially if you can’t get back later.



below: She sees a red book in her crystal ball




below: I think we can include this one as a picture of a woman.  I can almost hear Lady Liberty saying “Cheers” as she raises her pint of beer.  This paste up is the work of @sellout_tcf

paste up black and white line drawing of the statue of liberty, lady liberty, holding up a yellow coloured beer mug full of beer while holding a large beer keg in the other arm.

sprayed on the sidewalks of LA

As you walk around the Arts District in Los Angeles, watch where your feet are going.
You’ll see many stencils that have been spray painted underfoot.

This first one, women in head scarves, is obviously a political statement.
It was also the only stencil that was in two colours.

Stencils on the sidewalk, spray paint, in red and turquoise, the heads of 6 women in head scarves, shown in profile, One is in a scarf that is turquoise with red polka dots and one has red and turquoise striped pattern on her scarf.

below: Dangerous insects, with scoped rifles for wings.

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, a beetle with folded wings that are automatic rifles

below: … and a dragonfly too.  Weaponized terrorist bugs.
No wait, they’re Homeland Security agents in disguise.

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, a dragonfly with wings made of automatic rifles.

below: No money, No honey.

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, outline drawing of a man with long hair and a cowboy hat, with words written inside the drawing that say No money no honey.

below: Social media is selling your shit.  Apparently there is a third one that says “Seeking your applause, your digital mirage” but I didn’t see it.

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, outline drawing of a man with long hair and a cowboy hat, with words written inside the drawing that say Social media is selling your shit. Facebook and instagram symbol are also there

below: A red extremist.  Love extremists.

red stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, outline of a heart with the word extremist written inside it.

below: A dove with a rose in its beak, La Rosa

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, a dove in flight with a small rose in its mouth, words written underneath are La Rosa

below: I am fairly certain that the word says iagily but I haven’t been able to find any info online.

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, shoulders and head of a young woman with her hands up to her face

below: Got love?

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, of a small milk box with a heart on the side. Words written underneath are got love?

below: I have always seen you.   That’s the chorus/refrain from the song ‘Harriet’ by American Appetites.  There may be other references?

black stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, words I have always seen you

below: Campbells soup made of vegans? or for vegans?

green stencil on grey concrete sidewalk, campbell soup can, vegan soup

below: The last one is not actually a stencil but I couldn’t resist including it here.

words written in black that say love me anyways.

Photos taken February 7, 2017

East LA street art

As I was driving north on the I-5 in Los Angeles, I spotted some street art on a side street. I made a detour to take a closer look. There was more graffiti, street art, and interesting things in general in this area of East LA (around Whittier Blvd and East Olympic Blvd) that maybe one day I will get back to.

the side of a building is covered with graffiti, mostly tags, but one little yellow creature with a two little orange legs. Also the word Radiadores in large red letters

The following photos were all taken at the same location, a building on Telegraph Road between LaVerne and Ferris in East LA.

street art painting of two whales on the left side of the picture and a man with large screws on the sides of his head on the right side of the picture.

street art of two yellow animal masks, one is feline and the other may be monkey. South American looking in the design and markings on the masks.

street art portrait of a man with a large derby hat and surrounded by large pink roses

ZAL industrial building on Telegraph Rd in East LA, with wall covered with street art. Boom boxes and ghetto blasters in this photo

greedy red tomato guy, a large red tomato with a face, dollar signs in one eye, large blue sneakers on skinny legs, and he's holding a bag of money