aptART gender equality

In central Amman is a mural of a face that is divided vertically down the middle, half male and half female.  It was painted by Akut (half of Herakut) in 2016.

mural by herakut in Amman, very large face that is divided vertically down the middle, male on one side, female on the other, 4 storeys high, black background, man with beard and small moustache

mural by herakut in Amman, very large face that is divided vertically down the middle, male on one side, female on the other,close up of eyes, nose and mouth

This mural was made with the support of USAid and aptART.  The latter is an acronym for Awareness and Prevention through Art.  In this case, they are highlighting the question of gender equality.   They sponsored four other murals in Amman but unfortunately I don’t have any photos of them (nor did I see them when I was there).