Princelet Street, Shoreditch

Graffiti and street art seen on Princelet Street, another small street in Shoreditch.

A wall covered by street art and graffiti of all kinds – paint, stencils and pasteups – by many different artists.   The children pointing their guns at the jester (pied piper?) is a painting by Otto Schade.  The Muslim woman and white man at Stik people by street artist Stik.   Three black and white posters, top middle, have slogans and pictures of people…. “Greed for oil causes war” features George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden.  “Consumerism causes child labour” features an Asian child and a Barbie like doll.  The third poster talks about debt dependence being addictive and shows a picture of the man from the Monopoly game.


below: Three portraits.  Two women by voxx flank a gilded framed picture of Karl Lagerfeld by endless.  Mr. Lagerfeld is holding a white cat as well as some Chanel perfume bottles.  For some reason there is a small naked man in the picture too.

three pasteups on a wall, poster size, two by voxx and one in the middle by endless. Karl Lagerfeld is the subject in the endless paste up - with dark sunglasses and a wild patterned jacket, a fancy gold frame is around him,

below: Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil paste-up by buenocaos aka Luis Bueno.

a paste up of a boy reading a book, Neitzsche's Beyond Good and Evil

below: A red head by C3 sits on the ground beside a woman by iljin.

3 paste ups of women on a wall. One is a woman's head and shoulders in blue with short black hair by iljin . One is a multicoloured face. One is a young woman sitting on the ground with her knees up. She has red hair and a heart on her leg, by c3b

below: A ballerina by neoh
a wispy partially abstract painting of a ballerina by neoh


two street art faces painted on a metal covering over a shop window. One is man's face in beige with brown hair and the other is a stylized face in green with black hair
below: Coming apart on the wall.

two large black and white eyes and a white nose with black outlines, painted on a wall.

below: Savant says to Collapse the Certainties

stencil on a wall. poster sized, words by savant that say Collapse the Certainties.
below: Some very sharp claws… chasing the worm?

Two pieces of street art on a grey metal covering over a shop window. One is an intricately drawn realistic looking yellow bird's foot with long curved talons.
below: And last, a small red figure high on a wall.
It seems to be trying to get something off of its head

a 3 D figure in red attached high up on a wall